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Klein ISD Industry Based Certifications and Licensures


STEM Endorsement

Autodesk AutoCAD User

Autodesk Inventor User

AutoCAD Certified User

Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate - Academic




Public Services Endorsement

Certified Pharmacy Technician [CPhT]
Certified Nurse Aide [CNA]

Certified Medical Assistant [CMA]

Community Emergency Response Training [CERT]

Cosmetology Operator License

CPR Basic Life Skills [BLS]

CPR Heart Saver
Emergency Medical Responder [EMR]

Emergency Medical Technician [EMT] 

Business and Industry Endorsement

Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)

ASE Entry Level Certifications

Air Conditioning/Heating

Auto Transmission

Automobile Service Technology


Electronic Systems

Engine Performance

Engine Repair

Maintenance Light Repair

Manual Drive Train

Mechanical Electrical Components

Refrigerant Recovery Recycling

Suspension and Steering

AutoCAD Certified User

AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Certification

AWS D9.1 Sheet Metal Certification

Briggs and Stratton Master Technician

Certified Veterinary Assistant

Chief Architect Certified Apprentice

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Cisco Certified Network Associate - Security (CCNAS)

Cisco Certified Networking Technician (CCNT)

Cosmetology Operator License (TX)

Microsoft Office Specialist - Access

Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel

Microsoft Office Specialist - PowerPoint

Microsoft Office Specialist - Word

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA)

Microsoft Office Expert -  Word

Microsoft Office Expert - Excel

Texas State Floral Association - Knowledge

Texas State Floral Association - Level One

Texas State Floral Association - Level Two

OSHA Safety (30 hour C)

QuickBooks Certified User

ServSafe - Food Handler

ServSafe - Manager



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